Crime & Safety Procedures
PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to ensure we, as a community, are consistent in reporting crimes and illegal activities within our Historic District and to ensure we communicate any safety issues to as many of our neighbors as possible. Compliance with this procedure will also provide the DVHA Board with the necessary information so as to be able to follow up with the Dayton Police. Further, it has been proven that criminal elements, in our society, tend to move away from areas where neighbors are consistent watch guards for the well-being of their neighborhoods, neighbors, and public spaces. Reporting and follow-up are critical support activities for which each of us must take our share of ownership.
1. This policy is, in no way, intended to apply to situations where imminent danger or other emergency exists. In those cases, call 911 immediately and report the situation with as many details as possible. Once that is accomplished and the danger has passed, please let one of your DVHA Board Members know of the situation and/or report it through the Dayton View Historic District Social Page on Facebook or send an email to:
2. In the event of nonemergency situations, neighbors are requested to call the Dayton Police, non-emergency number; 937-333-COPS.
In either of the above cases, be prepared to provide the Dayton Police Dispatcher with as much information as is possible, including:
Specific address or location of the incident
Nature of the infraction or criminal activity
A detailed description of the individual(s) involved (if possible without endangering your own personal safety) including height, approximate weight, skin complexion, type and color of clothing, and any other notable identifiers.
Description of any vehicles, including type and make of vehicle, license plate number, color, any notable damage, etc.
If you are concerned about anyone knowing that you reported an incident, know that when reporting any criminal or safety situation you are not required to give your name or address. Rather than not report these incidents, please make the choice to call one of your DVHA Board members or send an email to: and allow us to report it for you.
3. DVHA Board Members encourage all of our residents to join the DVHA Facebook Group.
This page is exclusive to our Dayton View Historic District neighbors and keeps everyone informed and DVHD business and happenings private. It also helps your Board get information and updates to you quickly. For anyone who does not wish to subscribe to Facebook, please send your email address to the DVHA President, Fred Holley at so that you may be added to our email distribution list for neighborhood news and updates. Note: Email updates may not be as timely as Facebook Group updates. However, depending on the situation, we will do our best to keep you informed and safe.
4. When a DVHA Board member sees or is notified of a criminal situation they will call the police and report it. They will then immediately send an email out to the remainder of the DVHA Board members, providing the details of the situation and request each Board member also call the police and report the crime. Clearly, multiple reports of any criminal activity get more attention than a single call into the Dayton Police Dispatch Center. Do not assume that someone else “probably” called the situation in. We all need to be aware, alert and when we see something, we need to take ownership and say something to the authorities.
5. If and when the crime/situation warrants, the DVHA Board President will send an email out to the DVHA General Neighborhood email distribution list informing all residents that have registered their email address with DVHA.