Neighborhood Yard Standards
12-Point Checklist
Enjoy the benefits and value of a clean and safe neighborhood by checking your yard against our 12-point checklist. If you find any of these violations, please take action to correct them as quickly as possible. Thank you for doing your part in maintaining Dayton's health, welfare and safety standards for neighborhoods.
- Trash, debris and broken glass not picked up on the premises (including to the midpoint of the alley). Waste for the City removal placed for pick-up earlier that one day before scheduled pick-up date.
- Bushes, hedges, vines, weeds and/or trees growing in the right-of-way or obstructing view of traffic.
- Inoperative, junked and/or unlicensed vehicle stored outside, or vehicle parked on the lawn. No auto parts or outdoor storage of other inappropriate materials. Motor vehicles (including motorcycles) parked on lawn or yard walk.
- Rodents in the yard. Call Rodent Control Services at 333-3977 for free outdoor baiting. Pet food left out provides food for rodents.
- Dog/animal feces not picked up daily.
- Overgrown grass, grass that is not neatly cut and trimmed (mulch or compost after cutting). The City does not remove grass. Ground cover is required throughout yard and dog run areas.
- Bulk items (stoves, refrigerators, TVs, furniture and other items for special pick-up) are not to be placed for pick up earlier than the day before the scheduled pick-up date. Schedule a pick up date.
- Overstuffed or indoor furniture stored or used outdoors.
- Containers holding stagnant water provide mosquito's a breeding habitat. Remove or treat with larvacide.
- Trim trees away from house and garage. Remove/trim dead limbs from trees. Remove dead trees from yard.
- Commercial and business equipment stored on residential property; no trucks rated over one ton.
- Waste container stored where offensive to occupants of adjacent properties and/or offensive waste in container.